The Untucked Shirt: All your Questions answered

What is an Untucked Shirt?

An Untucked shirt is simply a dress shirt made to a shorter shirt length so that it looks good when it is worn untucked (or not tucked in). The style is a more casual and relaxed look that works for less formal or more casual dress code.

Back in the day, dress shirts were always worn tucked into trousers or pants. However, as our fashion styles have become more casual, the untucked look has gained popularity. If you simply wear a regular length dress shirt, the shirt length/tails end up being too long resulting in a sloppy look.

An untucked shirt is specifically designed to be worn outside of one's pants or skirt, rather than being tucked into them. Be aware that an untucked style shirt will most likely be difficult to tuck in and a tucked length shirt won’t look as sharp as you like if you wear it untucked. They are each designed for a specific use case.

What is the ideal length of an Untucked shirt?

This is a highly polarizing topic ;) with reams of discussions on various community discussion sites!

Generally speaking, you want the back of the shirt to end around the middle of your butt :). The front of the shirt should end somewhere between the middle of your zipper or right above the bottom of your zipper depending on your height. If you are on the shorter side, try to have it end at the middle of the zipper.

Untucked shirt length
At Airthreads, we believe fit is highly personal. You should go with what you believe looks great on you and makes you feel most comfortable instead of conforming to any rigid rules.

What kind of shirt styles can be worn Untucked?

The Untucked shirt style is a casual one. So, it follows that this is a style to choose for your casual shirts like Oxfords, Casual Prints etc.

You wouldn’t pick the length for a formal tuxedo style shirt or anything you plan to wear at more formal evening functions, or to the office.

At Airthreads, all of our shirts are custom-made to your fit just for you. Every shirt can be made to either your Tucked length or Untucked length preference. All of our Short Sleeve Shirts default to an Untucked length. Because we adjust for your height, you will always get that perfect length for your shirt.